Christian Values Investing — Balancing Faith & Finance
Christian Values Investing in the United States has a rich history that intertwines deeply with broader religious movements and the evolution of social justice initiatives within our country. This form of investing looks to align financial practices with Christian ethical and moral principles, impacting various aspects of investment choices, from security selection and asset allocation to shareholder activism. This presentation provides an overview of select Christian communities and how Sage can align their commitments to justice, peace, and stewardship of the earth with their investment portfolios.
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Responsible Investing
Climate Risks and Fiduciary Duty
October 3, 2024 -- The devastation caused by Hurricane Helene is an unfortunate but timely reminder of the importance for US stakeholders to prioritize the assessment...
Responsible Investing
Responsible Investing Compendium
December 1, 2024 -- The following is a comprehensive list of Sage’s research pieces segmented by subject category, including environmental, social, governance . . .